Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Jeff Bailey Reviews B. D. Vannoy's Falling Toward Redemption


Such a different read from my normal genres. Falling Toward Redemption is an epic good versus evil battle played out with the true icons of Christianity, God, The Devil, Angles, Demons, an ancient evil queen, and one modern little boy. Falling Toward Redemption drew me in with the interesting characters and a captivating storyline. The battle scenes were reminiscent of some the recent super-hero movies, only these characters were real heroes, these battles were for humanity’s soul. As this was a different kind of read for me, I had some difficulty coming up with the necessary words to describe how much I liked the read. I highly recommend Falling Toward Redemption. Interesting. I always appreciate when an author writes what he knows and B. D. Vannoy knows this subject. A great summer read. 

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023

My New Book Signing Assistant


This book signing event was one of my more fun events. As much as I like theses events, this one made my day. We are at the Winchester Barnes and Noble in beautiful downtown Temecula, California, the gem of the Southern California Inland Valleys region. The store was perfect, the staff made us more than welcome, and the clientele constant and charming. Although, I think that more people stopped by the table to talk to him than to talk books with me. Oh yeah, we also sold some books. Too bad, he's back in school. I'd take him to all the events on the tour. 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Jeff Bailey Reviews Kerry Kennedy's Boris Flies To The Moon

I received my copy of Boris Flies To The Moon by Kerry Kennedy by UPS early on a Friday morning. When my great grandson came down, he saw the book and shouted with delight. He loves his books. I sat and read with him until Mom came and got him to get ready for school. As they were leaving the house, he asked if he could take the book to school for show-and-tell, great. As it turns out, his teacher read the book to the class during their morning reading session. I understand that Boris Flies To The Moon received a five-star review from all of his classmates. From first-received to 20 five-star reviews all before first recess, excellent. Boris is a world-class children’s read. Kudo’s Kerry, Kudos.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Jeff Bailey Reviews Kez St. George's Metal Mermaid


The Metal Mermaid by Kez Wickhan St. George was a read worth the time. It was a memoir of an epic trip up the coast of Australia and across the North Island of New Zealand. A journey of the spirit as well as a description of the wonders of these lands. Kez tells it all from the loss of a husband (not overtold or overwrought) in the middle of the trek to the final sea cruise home. Metal Mermaid reminded me of the American book: Zen, And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance: A walk-around of growth and meditation. I’ve never been to Australia, but I was enthralled with the richness of the descriptions. I even got out a map if Australia and traced the route as best I could. For me, Metal Mermaid was superb, five stars.

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Friday, June 2, 2023

The Second Law (L.A. Starks) The Back Story


One of the aspects of being an author that I particularly like is meeting all the interesting people that I do. L.A. Starks is one of the real delights. Recently, she told me where the inspiration for her novel, The Second Law came from.

In her own words, "I lived in New Orleans four years, a scholarship chemical engineering student (Tulane University) easily distracted by the all-senses lure of the French Quarter. Indeed, one summer I worked for The Hungry Artist Studio, selling the eponymous artist’s sketches and watercolors to French Quarter tourists. Happily, for my “research notes,” aka experience, the studio was located on Bourbon Street. My New Orleans and Louisiana familiarity form the backstory for many scenes in The Second Law."

It seems that we lived in the New Orleans area (I lived in a suburb called La Place) and frequented the French Quarter at the same time. She said that she sold the art to the tourists by standing outside the art studio effectively selling on the sidewalk. Well, I spent some time virtually every weekend at the French quarter, mostly walking the streets and eating in the restaurants. As I reread The Second Law, I wondered how many times I passed L.A. Starks on the street in front of the art studio, how many times see looked at me. Knowing The Back Story made the book so much more personal for me.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Jeff Bailey Reviews Janet Kravetz's Sky Curse: The Chosen Five

Janet Kravetz’s new book, Sky Curse, is an epic in the George Orwell, 1984 genre, on steroids. In 1984, the government put cameras and microphones in all spaces occupied by people: the ultimate surveillance? Hardly. Sky Curse: The Chosen Five brings the idea into a frightening prediction of our future. Everyone’s brain is connected via WiFi to everyone else’s brain and to all existing computers. Couple this with Kravetz’s character Cecilia and her sister Malee's dystopian adventures and we have a scary read. Now, Cecilia and Malee are on a quest to save the dying earth. What could go wrong? How weird can it get? Isaac Asimov would love the ‘I, Robot’ aspect of this adventure. Sky Curse was quite the epic, debut novel. Excellent.

For more on Janet Kravetz, go to her Home Page or follow him on LinkedIn, FaceBookTwitterAmazon, and GoodReads.

For more information on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page or follow him on AmazonGoodReadsFaceBook, or his LinkedIn Blog.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Adam Sikes Reviews Jeff Bailey's Not On My Watch

Not on My Watch is a worthy read. Jeff Bailey has taken a catastrophic scenario and developed a plausible story that will keep you turning the pages. But what I appreciated most was that the protagonist was not superhuman--although tough and quick on her feet, she also had fears, doubts, and made mistakes. She's the kind of character who you might have met once, know as a friend, or have in your own family. Well done, Jeff.

For more on Adam Sikes, go to his Home Page or follow him on LinkedIn, FaceBook, Twitter, Amazon, and GoodReads.

For more information on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page or follow him on AmazonGoodReads, FaceBook, or his LinkedIn Blog.


Jeff Bailey Reviews Who Are You by R. T. Lund

  I just finished a binge read on the last two thirds of Who Are You by R.T Lund , absolutely superb. Books like Who Are You is why I follo...