I had the pleasure to be a beta-reader on Pool Man and enjoyed the book immensely. Pool Man is a ‘Twilight Zone’ quality horror story with a twist at the end that absolutely surprised me, and that isn’t an easy thing to do. Well done, Dan. Yes, Pool Man was an intricate horror story, but I’m a conspiracy thriller writer. I do love a good conspiracy thriller. And Dan snuck the ‘bomb’ of a conspiracy thriller into Pool Man, and I didn’t realize it until the last few pages. Thinking back over the story, Dan introduced all the innuendos and clues to the conspiracy so cleverly that I when I finished the book, I was slapping my cheeks that I didn’t pick up the threads and clues until the end. Super well done, Dan, five stars for a sleeper of a conspiracy thriller in horror story form.
For more on Dan McDowell, go to his home page, follow him on Amazon, GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.
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