Thursday, August 19, 2021

A Review of Nora Wolfenbarger's The Promise


The Promise was Nora Wolfenbarger’s debut crime thriller. I don’t usually hold out a lot of hope on debut novels. Lately I’ve read several really excellent debuts. The Promise was one of them. I like a crime thriller to have multiple story threads, the more the better. The Promise has just the right blend of story threads and they collide to morph the story in a very pleasing sequence. An altogether enjoyable read. So, when grandpa solicits a promise to give his old warehouse a heart, it gets the soul of all souls. I would be disappointed if we didn’t hear from the blackbirds again?? For me, five starts for both Nora Wolfenbarger and for The Promise. One great debut novel. A couple of more books and the 'Blackbird' Mysteries would make a great Hallmark Channel movie series.

For more on Nora Wolfenbarger, follow her on GoodReads, FaceBook  or her LinkedIn Blog

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to his home page or follow him on GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

Monday, August 16, 2021

A Profile Of Supernatural Author T.C. Schueler


Today I'm introducing supernatural author T.C. Schueler

Schueler's debut novel, 22 Dutch Rd. was as excellent as a debut novel gets. T. C. lives with his family in Cary, NC, just outside Raleigh. He graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in civil engineering and has spent his professional life pursuing solutions to ecological problems, such as wetland loss.  He is originally from the Chesapeake Bay area, having been raised just outside Washington, DC and is an avid reader, particularly of supernatural and paranormal books. Of course, he likes dogs and donuts.


Q: What prompted you to start writing?

I’ve always liked to read but in the back of my mind I’ve wondered if I had the potential to write. One day I was reading a particularly bad book I’d ordered from Amazon and I thought: I can write better than this person! So at 50, I started my first novel.

Q: Describe the genre of your books.

I’ve only published one book [22Dutch Rd.] . It’s a mixture of sci-fi fantasy and horror but I think it’s safe to say my genre is dark fiction.

Q: Most readers have an all-time favorite book and author. What are your all-time favorite book and author?

There are so many books, I can’t think of just one. I can narrow it down to two authors, however: Stephen King and Graham Greene.

Q: What publishing awards and honors have you received that you’re most proud of?

[22 Dutch Rd. won the Gold medal in the Reader Views Reviewers Choice Awards for horror in 2020/2021. Quite an achievement for a debut novel]

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for our readers?

Writing is the hardest thing I have ever voluntarily done. Writing is work. If, like me, you have a day job and a family, communicate with your family to set aside an hour, even a half hour, to write each day. Tell them it’s important to you. Some days and some material will be better than others, but the paragraphs will add up, showing you progress.

Q: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? How do you handle it?

I suffer from first drafts that are so bad I’ll actually type “This is dreadful.” Sometimes I’ll insert something like: “Insert something clever here later,” then I keep going. Often later in the day or the next week something clever occurs to me (well, I think it’s clever, anyway).

Q: Every writer I know is also, an avid reader. I know I am. What new author have you discovered lately that you’re reading? Tell us about him or her.

I’ve been reviewing some new books for a website called Reader Views and came across a novel that I liked called “Weeper,” by Greg Morgan. Well written, interesting premise.

Q: If readers can read only one book this month, why should it be yours? 

If you like your fiction a little dark and humorous, escape into a book filled with mentally twisted scares: “22 Dutch Road.” It will fit the bill.

Q: What are you working on for your next release?

I am working on a new novel, not related to my first book.  The one-liner slogan currently is” “Twelve men, one curse—The Evil Men’s Book Club.” I actually participated in a book club for men who were barely nominally “evil” and really were just looking for an excuse to meet in a bar and drink beer. In “The Evil Men’s Book Club,” there’s some real world evil. It’s not nominal.

For more on T.C. Schueler, check out his home page or follow him on GoodReads.

For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

Today's book selection:

The Peculiars, by Maureen Doyle McQuerry was engrossing. When I finished the read, I wanted the story to continue. An outcast girl on a quest through strange land. Ever something unexpected. I came to know the characters very well. I want to know where they go next. A superb read with great imagery.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A Review Of R.T. Lund's Treachery


Trechery, by R. T. Lund was an excellent and pleasingly complex crime thriller. In the story, the wife of a federal judge is found nude and dead in the rocks under a bridge in a state park. Enter a law suit against the Catholic Church (she was a lawyer) and a heap of mail and banking fraud and you have the elements of my kind of thriller. I found the story to be super well crafted with an intriguing attention to detail. The reveals in the story were expertly coordinated to keep the story morphing and growing. Well done. The conclusion is hot and active. Then comes the Perry Mason style wrap-up. It all seems to make sense. I was a fan of Perry Mason. But… what did we forget? Lund got me good. My rating, five stars for both R.T. Lund and for Treachery. You’re going to love it and we’re going to hear more good things about R.T. Lund. Jeff Bailey, author of the thriller Not On My Watch.

For more information on R.T. Lund, follow him on GoodReads and on Amazon.

For more information on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page, or follow him on GoodReads and his LinkedIn Blog.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Profile Of Paranormal Author Larry Rodness


        Today I'm introducing author Larry Rodness:

Larry Rodness - began his professional career as a singer at the age of 19 working with various bands around Toronto. After studying musical theatre Larry worked in summer stock where his love of writing began. From that point on he wrote for dinner theatre, trade shows, and even ice skating shows. To date he has written over 10 screenplays and has had 3 optioned. As Larry says, 'A writer makes sense of his or her world through story-telling. The process can be the result of a slow, contemplative self examination or come screaming straight out of last night’s fever dream.'

Q: What prompted you to start writing?

A: I started my career as a singer but felt I needed to express myself by writing as well as interpreting other people’s songs. Over the years my writing spanned the genres of popular music/lyrics, to musical theatre, to plays, to script writing.


Q: Describe the genre of your books.

 A: The first was autobiographical. The rest have been paranormal.


Q: Most readers have an all-time favorite book and author. What are your all-time favorite book and author?

A: John Irving – The World According To Garp – because I was a varsity wrestler too.


Q: What words of wisdom do you have for our readers?

A: Accept criticism to help strengthen your work.


Q: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? How do you handle it?

A: Only once when I was writing Perverse. I stopped mid way through, unsure of where to take the story. Six months later it came to me.


Q: Every writer I know is also, an avid reader. I know I am. What new author have you discovered lately that you’re reading? Tell us about him or her.

A:  Because of my business I travel every week which allows me to listen to audio books. I listen to whatever comes out with no thought or clue as to what the story is about until I listen to it. Sometimes not having a preconceived notion turns into a nice surprise.


Q: If readers can read only one book this month, why should it be yours? 

A: The Judas Robe allowed me to put some existential ideas I’d had for years into what I hope is a well written, entertaining mystery-thriller.


Q: What are you working on for your next release?

A: “Crystal Vision” will be coming out this year – a YA novel about a 14 year old boy who believes a beautiful woman in her twenties is being pursued by a demon – and his family’s part in it.

For more on Larry Rodness,  check out his web page, or follow him on Amazon or FaceBook. 


For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

Today's book selection:

Stephen Coonts did a superb job telling a compelling thriller with Jake Grafton and Tommy Carmellini on center stage. You could not mistake that this book was using some of today's news as a plot line for this book. I like writers that take story lines out of reality and then tell a fictional story of what really happened. I do the same thing. The Armageddon File had one of the best and most surprising endings for a thriller that I’ve encountered in a long time. Stephen Coonts continues to be one of my favorite authors and The Armageddon File was definitely five stars.


Monday, July 26, 2021

A Review of She Seduced Me: A Love Affair With Rome by Mark Tedesco


She Seduced Me: A Love Affair with Rome, by Mark Tedesco touched the wonderer in me in a big way. One of the things that I liked most about James Mitchener was his attention to backstory, the people, and locations. He always told more than the story he was narrating. Tedesco does the same, only it was his story that was being told. Having Mark go into depth about the history of the people, the art, and the splendid architecture of Rome made his story about his living in Rome for eight years all the more real. His was an emotional journey and he related it with style. I would have gladly read another few hundred pages if I had the chance. This combined story, travel log, adventure was right up my alley. I will read more of his books. I’ve already bought The Dog On The Acropolis and will start it as soon as I have a few minutes. I highly recommend that you let Mark Tedesco take you an emotion filled and truly touching trip through the backstories of Rome with She Seduced Me: A Love Affair with Rome. I predict that you won’t regret it. The opinion of Jeff Bailey, author of Not On My Watch.

For more information on Mark Tedesco, , check his website or follow Mark on GoodReads or on AllAuthor.follow him on GoodReads.

For more information on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page, or follow him on GoodReads and his LinkedIn Blog.


Welcome to my world.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Meet author Dan McDowell

              Today I'm profiling author Dan McDowell.

Dan McDowell was born in Dallas, Texas. He has a BA in Social Work from Howard Payne University and a MS in Business Management and Leadership from Tarleton State University. He and his family currently reside near San Antonio, Texas. Dan enjoys 80s and 90s nostalgia (especially movies and music), plucking the guitar, and writing stories. He released his debut novel, Level Zero, in 2021.

Good Morning Dan,

Q: What prompted you to start writing?

A: I was stressed out to the max and found writing to be an incredible release for me when I discovered it. It didn’t hurt that it was fun.


Q: Describe the genre of your books.

 A: I would say they teeter between mystery, psychological thriller, and horror, but now and then, I’ll change it up. It’s largely dictated by mood.


Q: Most readers have an all-time favorite book and author. What’s your all-time favorite book and author?

A: The Bible, God. Second to that, I’m definitely a fan of Dean Koontz. I haven’t read his entire catalog but I enjoy most of his work. Velocity, Hideaway, and Tick-Tock are among my favorites.


Q: What words of wisdom do you have for our readers?

A: Imagination can take us to incredible places. What’s holding you back from sharing yours with us? You might find your quite the storyteller yourself.


Q: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? How do you handle it?

A: Write my way out of it. If I’m really stuck I will write a short story or do another project to ease my mind, that always cleans the slate and gives me a breath of fresh air to get back to it.


Q: Every writer I know is also, an avid reader. I know I am. What new author have you discovered lately that you’re reading? Tell us about him or her.

A: I really enjoyed the book, Furious: Sailing Into Terror, by Jeffrey James Higgins. 

This is his first effort and a very impressive debut. It had me hooked from the first page. He combines harrowing description with relatable characters and situations. Furious would make a great movie!


Q: If readers can read only one book this month, why should it be yours? 

A: If they want a dark, unconventional, and unpredictable take on horror/thriller fiction, they’re sure to be in for a surprise. I strive to do it differently. Love it or hate it, that’s my approach at this point.


Q: What are you working on for your next release?


A: I’m in the final editing phase for the spiritual successor to my current novel, Level Zero. Oak Hollow will release just in time for Halloween on October 28th.

For more on Dan McDowell, check out his web page, or follow him on GoodReads or FaceBook


For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

Today's book selection:

Warning Light is an espionage thriller. I now have a new favorite author for my list. Warning Light is a fast paced, cold war, action story about a failed ‘excursion’ in Iran and Zac Miller’s journey back. From page one, nothing was as it seemed. I was so engrossed in the story that I carried the book so I could read a page or two at a time whenever my scheduled opened near a chair. I especially enjoyed the rich descriptions. I wondered during many passages if the author had been to these locals and how much of this story might be true. The intrigue didn’t stop until the last page, ‘This is your new life…’


Jeff Bailey Reviews Who Are You by R. T. Lund

  I just finished a binge read on the last two thirds of Who Are You by R.T Lund , absolutely superb. Books like Who Are You is why I follo...