Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Jeff Bailey Review's Chris Smith's Steve Savage Bounty Hunter
I’ve been a fan of old west shoot-em-ups for 65 years, from The Lone Ranger and Hop-a-long Cassidy on the radio and to Bonanza on TV. But nothing can beat the feel of the book in my hands, the smell of the pages, and the thunder of hooves in the dark. I loved Steve Save: Bounty Hunter. I would have read another 500 pages had they been there. Guess I’ll just have to buy and read the rest of the Steve Savage series. I highly recommend Steve Savage: Bounty Hunter as a wonderful story with a twisty ending in the tradition of the classic western. Five stars to Chris Smith and to Steve Savage Bounty Hunter. JAB, author of the conspiracy thriller Not On MY Watch.

#ChrisSmith     #SteveSavageBountyHunter    #JeffBailey

For more on Chris Smith, go to his Home Page or follow him on FaceBookLinkedIn, InstagramTwitter, Amazon, or GoodReads.

For more on Jeff Bailey go to his Home Page or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn Blog.

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Thursday, January 5, 2023

W. D. Kilpack's Interview With Author Jeff Bailey


I recently got to spend some time with author, screenwriter and producer W.D. Kilpack. W. D. posted the interview online and to several websites. I enjoyed meeting W.D. and the interview. I'm surprised that he had tome to post the review as he is an active author of novels, TV screenwriter, producer, and partner in a movie production company. I consider him to be one of the new breed of fast rising Influencers in the publishing, television, and movie industries. He's also a really nice person to network with. I would recommend every serious author and screenwriter in my network to connect, friend and follow Bill on his several media services. Here is the text of the Kilpack interview and a short introduction to W.D. Kilpack. Enjoy the read.

#WDKilpackIII        #JeffBailey      #TheDefect               #NotOnMyWatch

For more on W.D. (Bill) Kilpack, got to his Webpage or follow him on FaceBook, LinkedInTwitterInstaGramAmazon, GoodReads.

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to his Webpage or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn blog.

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Jeff Bailey's Review of B. A. Bellec's Pulse


I just finished Pulse, by B. A. Bellec, a Sci-Fi conspiracy thriller wrapped in a horror story wrapped in an enigma. Wonderful. A real ‘David and Goliath’ story about a small band of eco-vigilantes working to bring down a small part of a giant, above-the-law, profit-above-all corporation, The Pulse Corporation. Just like in Star Wars, the band is planning an attack that can’t possibly win, can’t possibly leave a mark. They do it anyway. I cheered. What could go wrong??? And we’re off. But things go so terribly wrong. I like reading books that are a creative mark off the traditional. Pulse was just that. The format was almost a mashup between a novel and a screenplay. It added to the overall feel and emotion of the book. I can’t give it a higher recommendation. Five stars for Bellec and for his creation, Pulse. Jeff Bailey, author of the conspiracy thriller Not On My Watch.

For more on B. A. Bellec, go to his Home Page, or follow him on YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, GoodReads, or LinkedIn.

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn Blog.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Jeff Bailey Reviews Dan McDowell's Pool Man


Today is a fun day. Not only do I have the pleasure of posting a review of Dan McDowell's horror novel Pool Man, but I have the added pleasure of posting the back cover of the book. Look close, Dan quoted a line from my review as a citation on the back cover. This is a big first for me.
I had the pleasure to be a beta-reader on Pool Man and enjoyed the book immensely. Pool Man is a ‘Twilight Zone’ quality horror story with a twist at the end that absolutely surprised me, and that isn’t an easy thing to do. Well done, Dan. Yes, Pool Man was an intricate horror story, but I’m a conspiracy thriller writer. I do love a good conspiracy thriller. And Dan snuck the ‘bomb’ of a conspiracy thriller into Pool Man, and I didn’t realize it until the last few pages. Thinking back over the story, Dan introduced all the innuendos and clues to the conspiracy so cleverly that I when I finished the book, I was slapping my cheeks that I didn’t pick up the threads and clues until the end. Super well done, Dan, five stars for a sleeper of a conspiracy thriller in horror story form.

For more on Dan McDowell, go to his home page, follow him on Amazon, GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to my home page or follow me on Amazon, GoodReads or my LinkedIn Blog.

#DanMcDowell #PoolMan #Jeffbailey

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Saturday, October 22, 2022

Jeff Bailey Reviews Jennifer Lao's Beautiful Hero


An absolute revelation and a ‘social issues’ must read for everyone. I found Beautiful Hero to be a truly an inspiring story of how Jennifer Lau, her 5 siblings, and her parents survived the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia. The memoir highlights just how brutal and destructive a society based on greed, anger, hate and bullying can be. Jennifer quantified it for all of us when said, ‘…fifteen people out of my family of forty-six: a thirty-two percent casualty rate ….of us who marched into the countryside during the forced evacuation didn’t make It out alive.’ I have never understood the anger/hate mentality that seems to live by the call-to-action, ‘I must find someone to hate.’ Thank you for your beautiful book that I hope sparks a bit of a return to servility and tolerance for our society.

For more information on Jennifer Lau, follow her on Amazon and GoodReads.

For more information on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page, or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, and his LinkedIn Blog.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Jeff Bailey's Review of Tim Schueler's 22 Dutch Road


        22 Dutch Road by T.C. Schueler was absolutely top shelf. The hero, Billy Buchanan, has to go back to his home town to help with his late father’s estate at 22 Dutch Road and to receive a small interim check. Billy and his mom need to the check to stave off the financial wolves. When he arrives at the estate, he is surprised by the ring of eight-foot carved stone statues of warriors ringing the manor house just inside the property line. That’s about the only normal part of 22 Dutch Road. Everything that followed was … well, was … bordering on the bazaar, starting with having the statues seeming to turn to follow him with their gaze.

I especially liked that Schueler took his time telling, or rather showing the story in words as though he was describing a movie. His presentation was very in depth. He told of the characters mental states, feelings, interactions, and the effects they had on each other. The extra insights definitely added to the story line. I mean, he took several pages to describe a simple hand of high-stakes poker that played to the story. Several pages - and every word was captivating and important to later scenes.

The ending was what made it all. Several tiers if cliff-hanger upon cliff-hanger. Even after the credits rolled (as it were) closure was brought to some of the plot elements and to the surviving characters.

I have just three words for T.C. Schueler: Unique, Unique, Unique. A great mix of light horror and sci-fi. I am now a big fan and can’t wait for his next book.

For more on T.C. Schueler, go to his HomePage or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, FaceBook, InstaGram, or his LinkedIn Blog. 

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to his HomePage or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn Blog. 

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Sunday, October 2, 2022

William Kilpack III Review's Jeff Bailey's Not On My Watch


              Interesting story with real-life expertise in nuclear weapons handling and the surrounding security measures, not to mention military training. Those elements give [Not On My Watch] a solid base in reality. Those details take it beyond people dressed in fatigues to people living military life. The flashbacks to Marine training were educational and held my interest. There are no super heroes here; these are real people showing real heroism and pride in service.

For more on William Kilpack III check out his home page or follow him on AmazonFaceBookTwitterGoodReads, and LinkedIn.

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to my Home Page, or follow me on Amazon, GoodReads, or my LinkedIn Blog.

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Jeff Bailey Reviews Tales From Another Deminsion by Robbie Sheerin

An emerging Sci-Fi fan favorite: that’s how I would describe Tales From Another Dimension by Robbie Sheerin . This is an interesting collec...