Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Jeff Bailey Reviews LA Hearn's Clancy Quill and the Onitor Amulet

I just finished L A Hearn’s novel, Clancy Quill and the Onitor Amulet. What a delightful read. A young boy must be initiated into the family – ah, business? tradition? As a fantasy, you know that there is more to it than that. I would say that Clancy Quill and the Onitor Amulet is a mashup of Harry Potter and Encanto, but with some very interesting story twists that I’ve not seen before. I thought that the target reading audience might be the pre-teen/tween age group fantasy fans. Clancy Quill And The Onitor Amulet presents some excellent imagination builders. I’m 75 and I enjoyed it. Kudos to LA Hearn for a charming book. It promises to be quite a series.

For more on LA Hearn, follow her on Amazon, FaceBook, GoodReads, InstaGram, or Twitter.

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to my website, or follow me on Amazon, GoodReads, my traditional blog, or my LinkedIn Blog.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Jeff Bailey Reviews Nellie Neeman's Vengeance


Nellie Neeman has done it again, even better, with Vengeance, her latest conspiracy thriller. Jon Steadman is back and falls into an ever-widening conspiracy. Stolen DNA profiles, kidnapping, and who is the legless man in the burning car? As with all her thrillers, Vengeance has multiple story threads all wrapped around one conspiracy. The threads and the characters travel to exotic locals across the globe chasing the leads. Sometimes their paths intersect and sometimes they don’t. The investigation flows perfectly following the search just right, delicious. I have only one thing to say about Jon Steadman,  '….  not since James Bond.’ My highest recommendation for a thrilling read. I literally carried my kindle with me until I finished it. Superb Nellie, Superb.

For more on Nellie Neeman, follow her on Amazon, GoodReads, or her LinkedIn Blog

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to his home page or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn Blog.

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Saturday, September 10, 2022

My Review of William Kilpack's Pale Face


I really enjoy my association with the up-and-coming shakers and movers of the publishing business. William Kilpack III is just such a person. I highly recommend networking with him if you can keep up. Here's my review of his novel Pale Face:
Pale Face by William Kilpack was absolutely fascinating. I can see why it has won so many awards. To start with, the book gives whole new meaning to the Native American phrase ‘pale face.’ The lead character is Hector, a Navaho Indian living on the Navaho Reservation. Hector has an ‘accident’ and is catastrophically injured and should have died instantly. But he doesn’t die!! He is miraculously ‘repaired’ and healed in an incredibly short period of time. Thus, the story unfolds. Pale Face is, in part, sci-fi. But I found it to be so much more. It’s a deep diving character study of Hector that almost borders on mysticism, Navaho mysticism. Kilpack’s writing style was mesmerizing in the depth to which he presented Hector. For me, five stars for both William Kilpack and for Pale Face. Jeff Bailey, author if the conspiracy thriller Not On My Watch.

For more on William Kilpack III check out his home page or follow him on Amazon, FaceBook, Twitter, GoodReads, and LinkedIn.

For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on AmazonGoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

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Jeff Bailey Reviews Who Are You by R. T. Lund

  I just finished a binge read on the last two thirds of Who Are You by R.T Lund , absolutely superb. Books like Who Are You is why I follo...