Saturday, April 27, 2024

Jeff Bailey Reviews Almighty : Allmachtig by P.R.C. Wright


Almighty:Allmachtig  was one of the better historical novels that I have read. I like the level of research that went Almighty:Allmachtig. Wright really immersed the reader in the pre-WWII setting and the horrors of the time when some people believed that those with disabilities or birth defects were not ‘people’ but ‘things’, ‘things’ to be eliminated. Instead of focusing on the Jewish Holocaust, as many in this genre do, this book instead focuses on the equally tragic eugenics programs and handicapped genocide of the Nazi party. But it's not all history - the main plot also goes deep into the compelling characters, their friendships and their relationships. If you enjoy historical fiction, Almighty: Allmachtig is well worth the read! Great pool-side read.

#JeffBailey          #JeffBailey 

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Friday, April 5, 2024

A Review of B.A Bellec's Someone's Story


I've read a description of B.A. Bellec's Someone's Story as, "... a masterpiece of emotive and well-rounded young adult fiction." I Couldn't agree more. Here is my review as I posted it, "For me, Someone’s Story was a comfortably satisfying coming-of-age story. I appreciated the B.A. naming his main protagonist ‘Someone.’ I was able to identify with the abstract character easier than if he had a name. Bellec speaks from the heart of Someone so well that I was able to identify and sympathize with him. Most of us have shared some of Someone’s experiences. The reader has only to check out the many awards shown on the front cover to understand what a terrific read this was. Not my normal genre, but I highly recommend Someone’s Story (everyone’s story.) I’m seventy-five but I suggest Someone’s Story as a read for every teenager that is feeling a bit disconnected. We are not alone." I highly recommend the read.

#JeffBailey           #JeffBailey

Jeff Bailey Reviews Who Are You by R. T. Lund

  I just finished a binge read on the last two thirds of Who Are You by R.T Lund , absolutely superb. Books like Who Are You is why I follo...