Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Judas Robe (Larry Rodness), The Back Story


As always, I enjoy a book far more when I know a bit of the back story for the book, the moment of inspiration, if you will. This was true for Larry Rodness' book, The Judas Robe. Book to screenplay is not unusual for we authors that create both. But Screenplay to book well that's another matter. To do justice for this Back Story, I'm quoting Larry:  

 'The novel entitled “The Judas Robe” actually came out of a vampire script I’d written years ago as a screenplay. (Who hasn’t written a vampire story?) Vampires always posed existential questions to me about immortality and the consequences of actions reverberating down through the centuries. I jettisoned the vampire aspect but decided to address questions I’d long considered about religion and its effects on humankind. The most important thing was the story line – creating an inciting incident strong enough to have an impact for thousands of years and affect millions of people. The hook for me was The Judas Robe, an ancient relic that had been owned and protected by one family for years was now being threatened and its exposure would affect almost everyone on the planet.'

So, when you read The Judas Robe, imagine Larry trying to adapt it from a screenplay. More fun to read.

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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A Mark Shaiken Review of The Defect by Jeff Bailey


This was a nice way to start the new year, a review of my book The Defect from fellow author, Mark Shaiken. His books are the best and I value his opinion. Here, let me quote Mark, 

"A fascinating thriller taking you into and through the inner workings of a nuclear power plant, the terrorists trying to target it, and the men and women who work there and are thrust into the midst of the crisis. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. Well done, Jeff Bailey. High recommended."

 Thanks Mark. I already have my next Mark Shaiken book on my reading list. 

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Ephraim Clark Reviews The Defect by Jeff Bailey

 To quote Ephraim Clark on his review of The Defect , " Exciting from beginning to end. The bad guys personalities were developed as m...