Saturday, November 11, 2023

My Most Favorite All-Time Review - Jeff Bailey

      This is my most favorite review of all time. The reviewer is my great-grandson. A few days ago, he sat off by himself and seemed to be happily coloring. Then he presented me with his review. He had asked me earlier what I was working on and I explained what a review was and how much authors like them. He took it heart and went to work. For those who can't read six-year-old, here's a translation of his opinions. I added the words he wanted to say in brackets to make it easier to read:

'Jeff Belle [Bailey] was the bisce [biggest] creatr [creator]. He has made ade [and] shrd [shared] miles [millions] of books. He hes [has] made Defect and Not On My Woch [Watch]. He is cumen [coming out with] miles [millions] of more books. He is kumen [coming out] with a new book. The [This] is my gdpo [grandpa], Jeff Belle [Bailey]. Best book crehtrsrs [creator]. [heart heart].'

Needless to say, this gets framed and hung on the wall in my office. From me - big smiles.

#JeffBailey           #JeffBailey

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