Wednesday, August 9, 2023

My New Book Signing Assistant


This book signing event was one of my more fun events. As much as I like theses events, this one made my day. We are at the Winchester Barnes and Noble in beautiful downtown Temecula, California, the gem of the Southern California Inland Valleys region. The store was perfect, the staff made us more than welcome, and the clientele constant and charming. Although, I think that more people stopped by the table to talk to Avry than to talk books with me. Oh yeah, we also sold some books. Too bad, he's back in school. I'd take him to all the events on the tour. 

Jeff Bailey Reviews What Leora Never Knew by Joy Neal Kidney

  I can’t think of a way to summarize all the great aspects of What Leora Never Knew . This story is a sweeping family quest. Joy Neal Kidne...