Thursday, June 24, 2021

A Review of US: Volume One by M.P. Web


The first thing I noticed about US Volume One by M.P. Web was the writing style. It was reminiscent of the Mickey Spillane novels I read as a teenager, straight forward, ‘just the facts ma’am.’ I liked the reading of it and for this story it worked. In US Volume One, the main character, Fuller, is out on the Gulf of Mexico for a day of therapeutic fishing. The sea is perfect, the sky is perfect, even the air is perfect. Nothing could spoil this day. Fuller notices a glint of light at the edge of his peripheral vision. Then… he is alone… the last man on earth. Web crafted this story perfectly. Fuller witnessed many strange phenomena; few were immediately explained. But, by the end of the book some were Web tied just enough of them together to close the story-line of this book and left just enough of them open to lead into what I assume will be US Volume Two. Masterfully done. Today, I’m a casual reader, but I’m also a writer of novels and screenplays. I couldn’t help dropping into screenwriter mode while reading this book: visualizing this scene or that setting, how would I write this last description?  Now, for the purposes of this read, I may only be a casual reader, but for me, by the end of US Volume One, I had the feeling that I just read the first installment of the next block-buster Sci-Fi book/movie series. Jeff Bailey, author of Not On My Watch.

For more information on M.P. Web, follow him on GoodReads.

For more information on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page, or follow him on GoodReads and his LinkedIn Blog.


Welcome to my world.

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