Wednesday, June 23, 2021

An Interview Sci-Fi author C.J. Mckivvik


Today I'm introducing action/thriller writer C.J. McKivvik.

C.J. McKivvik writes action/thrillers that I find intriguing, a Dan Brown meets Indian Jones mashup. He lives in a small village in southwest Ontario, Canada with his partner, their three children and some cats and chickens. When he is not writing he is thinking about writing, and/or running, and/or swimming and/or walking in the fields and forests.

Like many Canadians, he is passionate about hockey and has a love-hate relationship with winter. If given the opportunity, he would live full-time on a tropical island, and would weave numerous visits to Canada and traveling the world into the island life. He likes coconuts, the ocean, tigers, the color blue, the number 10, science and Indie music.

Good morning CJ:

Q: What prompted you to start writing?

A: Good question! I think I’ve always been a writer, and wanted to be a sports journalist when I left high school. I did get a job offer, but I was in my first year of university and decided to stick that out instead. Years passed … and the writing that I did was more and more research kind of writing. I wrote several non-fiction books but my first novel was The Secret of Immortality, last year. When I look back, I think what prompted me at various times, was the enjoyment I get creating something from nothing. What I really enjoyed about my novel was I simply ‘made it up’. Sounds kind of dull, but I love the challenge of making something seem realistic – something plausible – that is entertaining and can make people think, and wonder, even just a little bit.

Q: Describe the genre of your books.

 A: The Secret of Immortality is the first of four books in that series, and I had always struggled to think of ‘The Genre’ as I was writing it, and soon after when I was asked exactly that question. Fortunately, the reviewers have done that job for me, and I’ve seen comments that the book reminds people of the adventure fiction of Clive Cussler, the adventures of Indiana Jones, and the mysteries of a Dan Brown novel, and it’s been labelled as ‘an incredibly paced action/ adventure tale’ and ‘reminiscent of ‘National Treasure,’ and the ‘The Mummy’ franchise. I wasn’t trying to write within any specific genre, however, and the story was simply ‘the story’ without any genre to call its home.  
I’m also writing another novel outside of the Immortality series, and I can’t think of the genre for that either. It’s quite different from anything I’ve read or seen, and I can’t even think of a comparable book.

Q: Most readers have an all-time favorite book and author. What are your all-time favorite book and author?

A: That is a really tough question! I don’t actually read much fiction and tend to read more science-type books. So many great books. Right now, I’m into my third book of Frans de Waal’s, a researcher (zoologist and ethologist) who writes about primates and human behavior (e.g., Are We Smart Enough ot know How Smart Animals are?’). Fascinating subject and one of the best writers around. I enjoy reading Steven Pinker’s books, and if you want to laugh a lot it’s hard to do better than the late Pete McCarthy’s ‘McCarthy’s Bar.    

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for our readers?
Read widely, and experience as much in life as you can. [Good words]

Q: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? How do you handle it?

A: I’ve been fortunate as I’ve not known a writer’s block per se. But I find my best ideas happen when I’m walking, or swimming or running … basically when I’m getting exercise. So I always have a small notebook with me to scribble down the idea, because ideas ‘happen’ when you least expect them.

Q: Every writer I know is also, an avid reader. I know I am. What new author have you discovered lately that you’re reading? Tell us about him or her.

A: As above, Frans de Waal! A great writer and someone who has clearly given some great and extensive thought to animals and the human species. I enjoy books that make you think and provide new perspectives on life, the universe and everything. Which reminds me, Douglas Adams is one of my all-time favorite authors too, and I’ll read his books over and over again.    
Q: If readers can read only one book this month, why should it be yours?

A: Ah … hmmmm … well, because you will not have read a book like it. I would like to say it is not predictable, the writing is somewhat different and I don’t think you’ll see the ending coming. It’s longer than your standard book but that’s because I’m setting the story up for the remaining 3 books – all of which will move along really quickly now the foundation has been set.   
Q: What are you working on for your next release?

A: My next book is the second in the series – its titled “The Search.” Plenty of intrigue and action and is a fast-paced romp through approx. 250-280 pages.
Meantime, there is another book in the works – titled “Enough”. It is very different to the series and ‘out there’ – but a fun book all the same. Well, at least I’m thinking & hoping it is.
For more information on CJ McKivvik, follow him on

For more information on Jeff Bailey, follow him on and his LinkedIn Blog.

Today's Book Selection:

Tumble, The Andaman Event was a surprising find for me. Bob Triggs takes a fictional, global disaster, The Andaman Event and takes it epic. After reading the first in the series, I know its going to take at least six books to cover the story.  Triggs delves into the lives of the people who are directly involved in the event, not just the event itself.  Reminds me a bit of James Mitchener's development of a story. The geology, the history, the people's lives all blended into a uniquely readable story. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Try it. I don't think you'll be disappointed.


Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Revisit The Defect


There has been a recent uptick in the sales of my debut book, The Defect. I'm not sure 'why.' I've never been able to decipher the mysterious world of book marketing. However, I just thought I should revisit and repost an image or two.

The Defect is a fictionalized account of what really happened during the core meltdown at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station in 1979 and why the government covered it up.

Welcome to my World

Saturday, June 12, 2021

A profile of author Wayne Edwards


Today, I'm introducing Americana writer Wayne Edwards, author of The Pacer Coulee Chroncles.

Wayne Edwards is a Montana native who completed his undergraduate studies at Montana State University and received a doctorate degree from the University of Washington in 1980. He is recently retired from a successful 30-year banking career and has used his long-time interest in writing to launch a second career as an aspiring author.

Edwards is also a children's author and the first of his Buster The Bridger Mountain Bear series will be released in March of 2021. His current project, A Stone's Throw, is a middle grade fiction novel and is expected to launch in the fall of 2021.

Wayne and his wife Lorinda have three grown daughters and eight grandchildren. They split the year between their Bozeman, Montana and Cave Creek, Arizona homes.

Good Morning Wayne:

Q: What prompted you to start writing?

Although I've always enjoyed dabbling with the pen over the years (mostly just exchanging humorous emails with friends and family) , I didn't seriously consider writing a book until I retired a few years ago and my three grown daughters got together and ganged up on me.... yet again! I figure the reason they approached me and suggested that I attempt a new career in writing was they were worried I was going to drive their mother nuts by hanging around the house during retirement!

Q: Describe the genre of your books?

I'm not sure exactly what genre moniker my first (and thus far my only one) published book Pacer Coulee Chronicles would fall under. In addition to the old standby of "Adult Fiction" that we used, I think one could more accurately describe the genre by throwing "Rural.... Small Town.... High School Sports" against the wall in hopes that something will stick! [My notes: I place Wayne's book, The Pacer Coulee Chronicles squarely in the Americana genre with stories like Fried Green Tomatoes and Little House On The Prairie.] 

I'm also dabbling in the "Children's Book" arena, as my first children's book (3-7 year old intended audience) Buster The Bridger Mountain Bear is scheduled to be released early this fall (2021). My current project, A Stone's Throw, is a "Middle Grade/Young Adult" genre that is intended for a 10-14 year old audience.

Q: Most readers have an all-time favorite book and author. What are your alltime favorite book and author?

Blind Your Ponies..... by Stanley Gordon West

Q: What words of wisdom do you have for our readers?

I don't think I've been writing long or good enough to be so presumptuous to think I have any kind of impactful "Words of Wisdom" to bestow upon the readers, but if I were to toss something out there for the readers it would be....KEEP READING!! Whether you like the feel of a real book (like most of us old duffers do), or prefer to do your reading in the digital format (like most of the younger crowd), keep reading!

Q: Do you ever suffer from writer's block? How do you handle it?

Yes, all the time. And how do I handle it? Well.... I make myself sit in front of my computer and refuse to let myself leave until I have written a couple of paragraphs. I just keep doing that every day until my feeble brain neurons complete a synapse-or-two and the words start to flow again.

Q: Every writer I know is also an avid reader. I know I am. What new author have you discovered lately that you're reading? Tell us about him or her. 

Actually, one of my favorite authors that I just discovered is none other than the host of this blog, Jeff Bailey. I recently completed reading his new book Not On My Watch and found it to be a most enjoyable read. I look forward to reading more of his work.

Nellie Neeman is another new author that I have been following. Her action thriller, Spreeis a great read and I will be reading more of her work in the near future.

Q: If readers can read only one book this month, why should it be yours? 

Because everyone, regardless of whether they may have grown up in a rural area or a small community—or whether they like sports or not, will fall in love with many of the wonderful characters in this story. Everyone, at least occasionally, loves a fun, humorous and heartwarming tale to read. "Pacer Coulee Chronicles" provides such a tale.

Q: What are you working on for your next release?

As mentioned above, my current project is for a middle grade/young adult audience.

For more on Wayne Edwards, follow him on Amazon and Goodreads.

For more on Jeff Bailey, check his Home Page or follow him on GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

For more author profiles, key-word search 'jeff bailey books profile' .

Today's Featured book: Mercy River by Glen Erik Hamilton. 

Yet another Glen Erik Hamilton thriller. I can’t say enough good thinks about the story. A very rural town in the Pacific Northwest is hosting an Army Ranger week-long reunion. With white militias, corrupt local officials, country law enforcement, and a thriving illegal business, what could go wrong. What could go wrong, indeed? Great, simple great.


Welcome to my World

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

A Review Of The Dominion Pulse by Brad LaMar

 The Dominion Pulse by Brad LaMar is my kind of ‘opera.’ Not a space opera like Star Wars or a magic opera like Harry Potter, but a Celtic, fantasy opera. The Dominion Pulse is the third book of a four-book series (Celtic Mythos #3) based heavily on true Celtic legends. While The Dominion Pulse is the third book in a series, it can also be read as a standalone. The characters and story lines brought forward from previous books are expertly introduced and fleshed-out just enough that the current story does lack for clarity. I like the complexity of multiple, parallel story line that compliment each other and occasionally cross. Brendan (human) and Dorian (leprechaun) re-engage the epic battle of good and evil. Both sides have many allies and many betrayers. Of the three books that I’ve read in the series, this one was the best. Brad LaMar lends his wildly vivid imagination to every scene. For me, five stars for Brad Lamar and for The Dominion Pulse. Jeff Bailey, author of Not On My Watch.

For more information on Brad A. LaMar, follow him on YouTubeLinkedIn, or GoodReads.

For more information on Jeff Bailey, go to his Home Page, or follow him on GoodReads and his LinkedIn Blog.


Welcome to my world.

Jeff Bailey Reviews Leora's Letters by Joy Neal Kidney

  I wasn’t sure that I would find Leora’s Letters all that good. I’m pretty much an Sci-Fi/action/thriller fan. I was so wrong. It’s one of...