Saturday, January 18, 2025

Jeff Bailey Reviews Unfair Descrimination by Mark Shaiken


Unfair Discrimination by Mark Shaiken hit so many contemporary hot buttons that personifies my idea of a ‘gripping’ ‘pithy’ thriller. In Unfair Discrimination, a grass-roots group of ‘like-minded,’ ‘clear-thinking’ farmers (can you say white supremist) have decided to sue a ‘non-member’ over a land debt. The twist is that the attorney that is best suited to represent them is not white or male. Her name is shortened to 3J throughout the book. Interesting idea. Opposing counsel is Jewish. What could go wrong? And, it does. I especially appreciate how Shaiken presented so much of the groups ideology through the dialog of the characters in their natural setting. Superb. So well written that I am tempted to read it again later just to see how many nuances of the story that I missed. I can so see a court-room drama, thriller movie in these pages. Five stars for Mark Shaiken and for Unfair Discrimination. 

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 Welcome To My World

Friday, January 3, 2025

Jeff Bailey Reviews Who Are You by R. T. Lund


I just finished a binge read on the last two thirds of Who Are You by R.T Lund, absolutely superb. Books like Who Are You is why I follow the authors that I do. I particularly like the first person, only the facts, sir, presentation. It was reminiscent if Joe Friday in the ventage TV show Dragnet. Lund did it so well. The story centers around Detective Lincoln Barnes and her cerebral partner, Warren, as they investigate an unusual murder connected to Lincoln’s personal life. Whereas Dragnet only presented the facts and investigation of the crime, Who Are You explores the personal life of Detective Barnes in a way that becomes more apparent as the investigation progresses. And, oh such a good twist at the end. I highly recommend all of R.T. Lund’s books. Five stars yet again for R.T. Lund.

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Jeff Bailey Reviews The Day Before Midnight by Stephen Hunter

A true vintage Stephen Hunter thriller that takes the reader on a race that doesn’t let up. A welder is coerced into doing a treacherous jo...