Monday, June 20, 2022

William (Bill) Wright's review of Not On My Watch


This is a page turner, I read it over the weekend.

Once again the author builds strong characters, not fantastical super heroes, he demonstrates the potential hero in all of us. He gives insight into the how and why of making the choice to be better than average.

Military culture and discipline provide believable tools for success in adverse conditions for the hero. The main character proves the main difference between people, is in their heart and beliefs.

The author also provides insight into the inner workings of the criminal mind and our difficulty in grasping their thought process. The story is so much more than a good guy/bad guy plot. It's a study in human nature, weakness and strength.

Another aspect he reveals and I love the way he weaves it, is the manipulation factor. Many evil doers latch onto worthy sounding causes and put too much faith in their leaders. It brought to mind, The Screw Tape Letters by C.S. Lewis.

I highly recommend this book [Not On MY Watch]. I read it like a writer and I am impressed.

For more on William Wright, check out his web page or follow him on AmazonGoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on Amazon,  GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

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Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Review of To Be A King by Gunner Lindbloom


I just finished Gunner Lindbloom’s To Be A King, vol I. OMG! Every page just oozed authenticity and realism. I like when an author writes what he knows, and it is obvious that Lindbloom knows this genre very intimately. The story chronicles the rise and fall of a Detroit mafioso and the extended family around him. T also showed the real side of the characters, hw they justified their chosen business and how they led very normal lives. I never thought about the fact that police arrests of some made-men creates opportunities for expansion for his associates and for his rivals. It is such a fluid, fragile, world. I rather liked King the main character. He wasn’t all bad and just trying to do the best he could in the world he was born into. There is so much story yet to tell. I have already bought my copy of To Be A King, vol. II. If this was a tv mini-series, I would binge-watch it. Excellent read and five stars for Gunner Lindbloom and for ToBe A King (both volumes). JAB, author of the conspiracy thriller Not On MyWatch.

For more on Gunner Lindbloom, go to his homepage or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn blog.

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to his homepage, or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn Blog.

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Jeff Bailey Reviews What Leora Never Knew by Joy Neal Kidney

  I can’t think of a way to summarize all the great aspects of What Leora Never Knew . This story is a sweeping family quest. Joy Neal Kidne...