I love a good conspiracy thriller. Especially one that hides the extent of the conspiracy until a bit later in the book, yet gives every clue to reveal it, well done. Super Moon Protocol opens with a farm rooster and his hens going berserk. That’s right, killer chickens, but it all works into the conspiracy. It gets ‘real’ fast after that and the action doesn’t stop. I liked how well Fluhart developed each scene in the book. The depth of the backstory and detail added so much yet hid and hinted at a multitude of reveals. Much of the book is action and then more action but again, so well developed. The screenwriter in me liked visualizing the action scenes. Jason Bourne move over. This book would make a great movie. The ending was what caught me by surprise. The different story threads were actually one integrated conspiracy. I love discovering emerging authors Like J.T. Fluhart. So many of their books are just wickedly entertaining. This was one of the best. I highly recommend this read. For me, five stars for both J.T. Fluhart and for Super Moon Protocol.
For more on J.T. Fluhart, follow him on Amazon, GoodReads and his LinkedIn Blog.
For more on Jeff Bailey, follow him on Amazon, GoodReads and his LinkedIn Blog.