Monday, July 18, 2022

My First Review of Not On My Watch From SPAIN


Every now and again I find a little nugget that just tickles me to the bone. This review is one of those moments. It's a review of my thriller Not On My Watch from anonymous reader from Spain. This is my first review from Spain - SPAIN. I don't have any network contacts in Spain that I'm aware of and the submitter elected to remain anonymous. Just a serendipitous, pleasant little moment. SPAIN this morning.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

A Review of Kira Tynan's The Third Choice


The Third Choice by Kira Tynan was unique in so many ways, a thoroughly delightful read. It was an unusual blend of family dynamics and Sci-Fi without the Sci-Fi dominating the plotline. The protagonist, Chris, is by all accounts a normal young man, living a life and caring for his ‘special-needs’ parents. But those ‘special-needs’ are … well … a bit unique. Thus enter the Sci-Fi backstory. One might say that the parents are out of this word. I liked Kira’s presentation and writing style. They were not heavy handed or intrusive. The story just flowed well and kept the social dynamic of one living with his parents and trying and trying to meet a nice girl in the forefront. Gives new meaning to ‘meet the parents.’ I could easily see The Third Choice as a Sci-Fi selection on the Oprah Book List. It was that well done. I’ve already ordered my next Kira Tynan novel. For me, five stars for both Kira Tynan and for The Third Choice. Jeff Bailey, author of the conspiracy thriller Not On MY Watch.

For more on Kira Tynan, check out her web page or follow her on FaceBook Amazon, or GoodReads.

For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on Amazon,  GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

Welcome to my World.

Monday, July 4, 2022

The Back Story for The Great Live Radio Show

          Lately I’ve been posting a series on called ‘The Back Story.’ It’s the kind of little ditty that authors would tell about themselves or their books in polite conversation at a cocktail party or a family reunion. I’ve had a couple of the authors in my network challenge me to tell a back story about myself. So here goes. Many of you know that a few weeks ago I was featured on Gunner Lindblom’s Our Thing Detroit live radio show. I posted about it. I also posted about how nervous I was to do the show. One of the regulars from my LinkedIn network, Anrea WR Jones, suggested that I pretend that ‘everyone there is sitting in their undergarments. Is that adage still around?’ Well, I thought about it and decided that I needed something… stronger. So just as the interview started, I reached over to the corner of my writing area and picked up my great grandsons plushie toy of Sponge Bob Square Pants and placed it on my computer. As Gunner and I talked on the phone interview, I stared into the goofy grin of Sponge Bob Square Pants. Hey, it worked and I have Andrea to thank for it. For this radio interview Andrea was my muse. As you listen to the interview see if you can detect the ‘relaxed calm’ in my voice because you know the backstory. Thanks you Andrea.

Here's the link to the interview:

For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on Amazon,  GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

Welcome to my world.

Monday, June 20, 2022

William (Bill) Wright's review of Not On My Watch


This is a page turner, I read it over the weekend.

Once again the author builds strong characters, not fantastical super heroes, he demonstrates the potential hero in all of us. He gives insight into the how and why of making the choice to be better than average.

Military culture and discipline provide believable tools for success in adverse conditions for the hero. The main character proves the main difference between people, is in their heart and beliefs.

The author also provides insight into the inner workings of the criminal mind and our difficulty in grasping their thought process. The story is so much more than a good guy/bad guy plot. It's a study in human nature, weakness and strength.

Another aspect he reveals and I love the way he weaves it, is the manipulation factor. Many evil doers latch onto worthy sounding causes and put too much faith in their leaders. It brought to mind, The Screw Tape Letters by C.S. Lewis.

I highly recommend this book [Not On MY Watch]. I read it like a writer and I am impressed.

For more on William Wright, check out his web page or follow him on AmazonGoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on Amazon,  GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

#TheBackStory #AmWriting #AmazonBooks #Author #Book #Bookmarketing #BookReview #Bookworm #Books #Fiction #FridayReads #GoodReads #Kindle #MustRead #Novel #Review #Thriller #Words #Writer #WritersLife #WritersNetwork #Writing #JeffBaileyBooks #JeffBaileyAuthor 

Welcome to my world. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Review of To Be A King by Gunner Lindbloom


I just finished Gunner Lindbloom’s To Be A King, vol I. OMG! Every page just oozed authenticity and realism. I like when an author writes what he knows, and it is obvious that Lindbloom knows this genre very intimately. The story chronicles the rise and fall of a Detroit mafioso and the extended family around him. T also showed the real side of the characters, hw they justified their chosen business and how they led very normal lives. I never thought about the fact that police arrests of some made-men creates opportunities for expansion for his associates and for his rivals. It is such a fluid, fragile, world. I rather liked King the main character. He wasn’t all bad and just trying to do the best he could in the world he was born into. There is so much story yet to tell. I have already bought my copy of To Be A King, vol. II. If this was a tv mini-series, I would binge-watch it. Excellent read and five stars for Gunner Lindbloom and for ToBe A King (both volumes). JAB, author of the conspiracy thriller Not On MyWatch.

For more on Gunner Lindbloom, go to his homepage or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn blog.

For more on Jeff Bailey, go to his homepage, or follow him on Amazon, GoodReads, or his LinkedIn Blog.

Welcome to my world.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Larry Rodness - Crystal Vision - The Back Story


Horor Paranormal author Larry Rodness's Crystal Vision

The Back Story

I just finished reading Crystal Vision by Larry Rodness, Excellent read, by the way. I'm always intrigued by the some of the little stories that the authors in my network haver about their booksI was talking to Larry and here’s the story he told me .... When my boys were teens I took them to a shop downtown called “Games Workshop” – a franchise popular all over the world. We purchased miniature fantasy figures – warriors, demons and such and spent hours painting them and finishing them off. Some of the older customers built entire armies and waged wars against each other on giant game boards. My writing muse took over and considered what if the owner of the shop might be embroiled in a battle of her own and that the store enthusiasts might be dragged into it. Who was she, really?  Who was her nemesis and why? And what if not only her life was endangered but the whole city and what if…

Cool creation story by a true, full-time author. So, when you’re reading Crystal Vision, and you enter the Gaming Store, imagine there in the back of the room, in the shadows sits author Larry Rodness watching his sons play on the tables, as the demon emerges and his minions disperse. Yeah, I love a good back story.

For more on Larry Rodness,  check out his web page, or follow him on Amazon or FaceBook.  

For more on Jeff Bailey, check out his web page or follow him on GoodReads or his LinkedIn Blog.

#TheBackStory #AmWriting #AmazonBooks #Author #Book #Bookmarketing #BookReview #Bookworm #Books #Fiction #FridayReads #GoodReads #Kindle #MustRead #Novel #Review #Thriller #Words #Writer #WritersLife #WritersNetwork #Writing #JeffBaileyBooks #JeffBaileyAuthor 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Live Radio interview of Jeff Bailey on Gunner Detroit Radio


Good morning, all. The Our Thing Detroit radio interview went off flawlessly. I tried to let as many network members know about the interview as possible before the show. I just didn’t have a lot of time. I am posting a link to the FaceBook version below. Gunner Lindbloom and his staff sure made it easy for me. I also appreciate all the follow-up communications that I received after the show. It was fun, seemed to go by in just a couple of minutes, and seemed to be remarkable wide-reaching.

Here's the link to the recording of the live show. I'm not the first guest, so you will have to fast forward about ninety minutes to find my segment:

Here’s a link to Gunner Lindbloom:

He has quite a colorful public persona, but I found him to be absolutely delightful. One of the aspects of being an author that I most enjoy is meeting new and interesting people, finding undiscovered (by me, at least) authors and reading some top-quality, imaginative books. Gunner helps that process. I enjoy hearing his guests tell their back stories. Thanks Gunner.

And, of course, here are the links to the books that started the whole process:

Tune in. Enjoy the show. Contact me and let me know what you think of the interview, good, bad, humorous. 

Welcome to my world.

Jeff Bailey Reviews Leora's Letters by Joy Neal Kidney

  I wasn’t sure that I would find Leora’s Letters all that good. I’m pretty much an Sci-Fi/action/thriller fan. I was so wrong. It’s one of...